Welcome IPro Users and Shoppers!
IPro News
IPro Series 40 - 4/18/2016: IPro runs on Windows 10 and requires the same compatibilty settings as older versions of Windows.
Support Notices
Windows Versions: For IPro's purposes, Vista, Windows 7, 8 and 10 all have the same setup and configuration
requirements. Please treat any instructions regarding Vista as applying to Windows 7, 8 and 10 as well.
REQUIRED Compatibility Settings: Immediately after installation in Vista,
Windows 7 or later, you MUST set IPro's required compatibility options or an error is likely to happen during
list posting (which may first occur in step 5.2 of the tutorial). (Windows XP does not need the compatibility options set.)
To set the Vista, Windows 7 and later Windows compatibility options:
- Right click on the IPro Series 40 program or desktop shortcut icon and select Properties. (Be careful that you have selected the actual program
icon and not the installer program icon.)
- Click on the Compatibility tab.
- Near the top of the tab, set the compatibility mode to XP Service Pack 2.
- Near the bottom of the tab, check the Run as Administrator check box.
- Apply the change.
Report Headers: If your report headers do not line up properly at the top of the page,
whether printed or viewed on screen, go to Setup>Program-Wide Options and set the lines per page controls to
different settings. Most printers use the standard settings of 55 or 65 lines per page, but some printers
such as some popular models by HP, use 56 or 66 lines per page. The report viewer uses the values for the current
Windows default printer for the onscreen lines-per-page setting.
Program Install Folder: IPro Series 40 should normally be installed in the
Program Files folder. (This is the default setting for installation.) This folder should not be administrator-only if non-administrators use
IPro. If the folder must be locked, install IPro in another folder such as C:\IPro40.
Data Install Folders: If you are using Vista, Windows 7 or later, avoid keeping your work data in the Program Files folder.
When you make a new User's Company and choose its data folder, use a folder in your Documents folder instead of
the Program Files folder if you can.
Data Folder Comments: Vista, Windows 7 and later prefer that applications such as IPro not keep their data files in the
Program Files folder. When you ask IPro to create a new user company and its associated database file,
it is usually best to specify a new data path or folder that is in the Documents or My Documents folder rather than in
the Program Files folder. So long as you do not keep your data anywhere in the
Program Files folder, you may not have to change the compatibility settings for IPro.
You can choose a folder in the Program Files folder, but if you do not
make the compatibility changes as above, you will get an error message during posting.
Further, Windows Vista and later actually may move your data to another location without telling you if your data is
supposed to be in the Program Files folder. This is very confusing
if you need to find your database file to move it or replace it. Expect to find your real file
in a path such as: "c:\users\[user name]\appdata\local\virtualstore\program files (x86)\".