Instant Restaurant Employee Handbook Creator CD - for 2014 and After

Instant Restaurant Employee Handbook Creator CD - for 2014 and After
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Instant Restaurant Employee Handbook Creator CD - for 2014 and After

Use Instant Employee Handbook Creator to write your own official Company Employee Handbook with most of the writing already done for you so you don't have to start from scratch! This is a CD with word processing files that you can open with any word processor on PCs or Macs and modify as you require. Reviewed and revised by legal professionals for 2014 and after, this product helps protect you from employer liabilities and workplace misunderstandings by aiding you in writing a complete and current employee handbook.

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Restaurant Employee Handbook Creator CD
Product ID: AP-EHB-CS-0052

This Product's Main Category (click to see more like this):
Employee Management Software, Books & Videos

This Product's Other Categories (click to see more like this):
Bakery Software; Best Sellers; Featured Items; Foodservice Software; Labor Management; Multilingual Products; Restaurant Business Development; Restaurant Management - Back Office; Restaurant Management Software, Books & Videos; Restaurant Management, Front of the House; Restaurant Software; Starting a New Restaurant Business

Click on the links below to find products by these related keywords:

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