Restaurant Software / Cost Control: IPro Restaurant Food Inventory & Recipe Costing Software

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Restaurant Software / Cost Control: IPro Restaurant Food Inventory & Recipe Costing Software
IPro Series 30 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software

IPro restaurant and general food service inventory and recipe cost control software dramatically reduces food and beverage costs by detecting creeping costs, overuse, theft and unknown costs. IPro features periodic and perpetual inventory for food, liquor and supplies, build-to-par ordering, purchase history, vendor comparison, recipe costing and resizing, recipe printing, stock depletion by sales or production, sales and profit history, trends and analysis, and much more. Compare this program to others at ten times the price! Downloadable for immediate and free delivery.


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Restaurant Inventory & Recipe Costing Products

IPro Restaurant Inventory,
Recipe & Sales Software Features

  • Inventory Control
  • Recipe Costing & Resizing
  • Ordering & Purchase History
  • Ideal & Actual Cost Analysis
  • Sales & Profit Analysis

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Revised: 3/1/2025
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IPro Series 30 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software


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IPro Series 30 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software
Product ID: IPro30-004
Revised: 3/1/2025

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Our Price: $49.99
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How IPro Compares to the Competition

What makes IPro different makes IPro better. When we designed IPro, we carefully reviewed our own old software and our competitions' to make sure we had all the best features-- ours and theirs. We also added new features that made a big difference:

One IPro Module Does It All:  Over many years we've learned that what customers really want is . . . anything and everything-- but all in one package.  (When in doubt-- get everything!)  So that's what IPro offers-- single-module software with all the important extras built-in.  Expect our competitors to offer many separate modules that all together cost far more and do far less.

Total Recall:  IPro stores all original details so you can report, compare, reconstruct and re-analyze any prior time period with total accuracy. You can see an entire year's figures or compare this New Year's to the last. Other software throws away detail (your work!) and limit you to the current and prior period. This is one way that IPro gives you more results for the work you put in.

List Processing:  This is important because inventory control is almost nothing but working with lists for gathering data. IPro gives you complete control over worklists: their contents (which items), use (counting stock, sales, etc.) and order (alphabetical, numerical, etc.). You can copy, add and merge lists. You can fill them automatically with build-to-par quantities, on-hand counts from bar code readers and sales from cash registers. You can work on lists, put them away, get them out again, correct errors, update costs, post and unpost them. Our competitors' software have nothing like this.

Custom Reports:  Everyone wants their own reports. IPro lets you customize and keep the settings for any number of new reports on file. You can retrieve reports by name. With others' software, you're stuck with the reports they made for you whether they make sense for you or not.

Choice of Cost Systems:  Use either "Last Cost" for simplicity or "True Weighted Average Costs" for accuracy. IPro always uses correct values that reflect the mix of stock purchased at different costs. If your stock is from three shipments of different costs and quantities, that's fine. Other software can't do it right because they only use the last cost paid and can't be as accurate.

Custom Measures:  IPro lets you define any and every measure: how you buy, count, use, make and sell items. Use pinches, slices, teaspoons, cups, globs and wedges. Give them weight, volume or unit values. Define one measure in terms of another (let 24 slices equal a loaf). Use natural language when you write recipes: "1 pound 6 ounces" or "3 tablespoons". Other software don't give you this ease, power or flexibility.

Inventory and Recipes in One File:  IPro combines inventory and recipes into one file because that's the only way to effectively handle "batch recipes" such as sauces, dressings and soups. Batch recipes need to be recipe files and inventory files at the same time because making batches makes shelf stock that should be tracked. Competitors' software separates stock and recipes files, which require awkward "fake" transfers to keep track.

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