 | IPro Series 30 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software
IPro restaurant and general food service inventory and recipe cost control software dramatically reduces food and beverage costs by detecting creeping costs, overuse, theft and unknown costs. IPro features periodic and perpetual inventory for food, liquor and supplies, build-to-par ordering, purchase history, vendor comparison, recipe costing and resizing, recipe printing, stock depletion by sales or production, sales and profit history, trends and analysis, and much more. Compare this program to others at ten times the price! Downloadable for immediate and free delivery.
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IPro Series 30 Tour Features Summary
More IPro Series 30 Features Restaurant Inventory & Recipe Costing Products | IPro Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Sales Software Features - Inventory Control
- Recipe Costing & Resizing
- Ordering & Purchase History
- Ideal & Actual Cost Analysis
- Sales & Profit Analysis
| Product Group Guides |

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The Time it Takes and the Results You Get
Your biggest concern may be the time it takes to learn and run IPro. Do you
know you don't need to set aside a large block of time to make this work?
It's normal to start slowly-- in your spare time-- and gradually bring in
different parts of the system. You can have cost control now instead of making
it next year's big project.
It doesn't pay to put off cost control-- the longer you wait, the more it
costs. Lack of time is not a reason to wait-- there are many quick-and-dirty
things you can do that give impressive results. You don't have to use all
of IPro's features to get significant benefits. You don't have to "enter
everything all at once" to make the program work. A moderate amount of effort
(i.e., recording purchases only) yields wonderful results. We've defined
seven "work levels" to show you how much work gives you which results:
Work Level
Proceedures and Results
If You Just Use Stock On Hand Lists: This is the minimum
way to use IPro: Just make inventory check lists and take inventory. All
you need to do to make lists is enter item names, prices and quantities.
IPro does the stock-on-hand extensions and totals for you so you don't have
to do them by hand. This isn't much work but it will save you some time and
help you get organized. |
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Use "List Processing" for Many Purposes: In addition to
making lists for taking stock, you can also use the lists for logging items
received, transferred, wasted, sold, etc. and get reports showing the same.
However, this is still not "real" control, it's just using IPro as a utility
for convenience and saving time. |
3 |
Benefits from Item File Setup Work: At this level you only
need to enter descriptions of your inventory. You don't normally stop at
this work level, but we're making an important point: collecting data gives
you the surprisingly great benefits of "discovery" and "setting goals". Chances
are excellent that you don't really know what your costs are until you're
forced to really look carefully at each item. You will be surprised and shocked
by what you don't know. This awareness is the beginning of cost control. |
4 |
If You Only Record Purchases: If your time is really precious,
just record your purchases or received items only. This gives you the most
bang for the buck-- there are many very useful reports if you only record
your purchases. You can even determine food and liquor cost percentages based
on purchases. |
5 |
If You Take Inventory and Record Purchases: If you take
inventory, record purchases and maybe transfers, you can start to get usage
and usage history and averages. You can compare average use to current use,
find out if you're understocked or overstocked, and make buy lists based
on the last-counted inventory. |
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More Benefits If You Enter Recipes: Inventory cost control
is one thing and product cost control is another. You need to know what your
recipes cost. Entering your recipes brings benefits of discovery and cost
awareness-- save thousands of dollars immediately when you learn costs are
higher than you thought. |
7 |
Maximum Results If You Enter Sales Data: If you enter sales
data, you'll find the "holy grail" of cost control: ideal use, ideal cost
and stock reduction by sales. This gives you genuine cost control- the ability
to compare what did happen to what should have happened. This is the only
way to solve the problems that hurt you the most- theft, waste, overportioning
and just plain sloppiness! |