Apollo Budget Pager System for Restaurant Server/ Office/ Medical/ Church (5 Pagers)

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Apollo Budget Pager System for Restaurant Server/ Office/ Medical/ Church (5 Pagers)


Apollo Budget Pager System for Restaurant Server/ Office/ Medical/ Church (5 Pagers)

This economical general-purpose paging system by Apollo is typically used in restaurant, office, church nursery, clinical and industrial applications where inconspicuous pagers for restaurant servers, staff, guests, parents or patients may be worn and kept and used for hours or all day. This complete system kit includes the transmitter and pagers and is easy to install and use, with no wiring, construction or programming necessary.

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Revised: 3/1/2025
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Apollo Budget Pager System for Restaurant Server/ Office/ Medical/ Church (5 Pagers)


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Apollo Budget Pager System for Restaurant Server/ Office/ Medical/ Church (5 Pagers)
Product ID: APOL-BSP5-0014
Revised: 3/1/2025

Click links below to see more products in the class.
Main Class: Pager Systems

More Classes: Featured Items;  Hospital Pagers and Healthcare Paging Systems;  Kitchen Management;  Pager Systems;  Pager Systems - Church Nursery;  Pager Systems - Medical;  Pager Systems - Office;  Pager Systems - Retail;  Pager Systems - Salon / Spa;  Pager Systems - Staff / Server;  Restaurant Management, Front of the House;  Restaurant Pagers and Restaurant Paging Systems;  Restaurant Paging Systems

Our Price: $374.95
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Overview offers you complete professional staff and guest paging kits for the lowest prices anywhere.

This economical, general purpose paging system by Apollo is typically used in restaurant, office, church nursery, clinical and industrial applications where inconspicuous pagers for staff, guests, parents or patients may be kept and used for hours or all day. The system features a transmitter with nineteen one-touch buttons for easy operation and hard-to-ignore staff pagers that alert with vibration, sound and lights. Easy to install, there is no wiring, construction or programming necessary.

  • Call restaurant servers to the kitchen or locate staff, patients or nursery parents quickly and economically.
  • Ensure privacy by eliminating the need to use a PA system.
  • Pager response is immediate because the transmitter signals pagers directly instead of using national pager networks which may bog down.
  • No monthly charges because no outside services are used.
  • Increase staff productivity, knowing that they can be signaled when needed or not forced to stand by for meetings that do not start on time.
  • Give parents and patients freedom to roam and peace of mind by knowing they will be reached as soon as necessary without constantly checking in.
  • Enhance the atmosphere of your waiting areas by reducing noise.

In restaurants, use this system to page servers and enjoy these benefits:

  • Reduce kitchen and dining room noise and chatter.
  • Prevent slow or forgotten orders.
  • Reduce kitchen and dining room noise and chatter.
  • Reduce kitchen crowding; keep the wait staff out until called.
  • Increase sales by giving servers more check-building time with customers.

No installation or programming required: Our pagers arrive at your location ready to use. Just set the devices where they belong, plug the power supplies into your wall sockets and you're good to go.

Typical Applications: Restaurant Server, Office Staff, and Parent Paging

These systems are most often used in healthcare, foodservice, manufacturing facilities and church nurseries and countless other situations where there is a need to discreetly page staff or parents attending church service. This system is commonly used in applications such as:

  • Restaurant server (waitstaff) paging.
  • Staff paging in clinics and medical offices.
  • Parent paging in church day care centers.
  • Staff paging at day spas.
  • Staff paging at auto repair centers.
  • Staff paging in factories and offices.
  • Staff paging in animal care facilities.

These staff pagers are great for use in business and medical offices, church nurseries, and on manufacturing floors and are widely used for such. Staff pagers are small, discreet and are meant to be carried for entire shifts. Transmitters (base stations) are one-touch for speed and simplicity and have dry-erase button labels so you can mark names by the pager buttons.

How Local Paging Works

Pagers are numbered and you simply write down names on the button labels of the transmitter by the pager number. The transmitter has nineteen one-touch buttons that you simply press like a doorbell to signal a pager. For example, to signal pager 12, just press the "12" button. The transmitter sends radio signals directly to the pager and the pager is set off immediately. Pagers may be signaled repeatedly. No phone lines are required and no national pager network is involved to slow operations down or create monthly charges.

For office and clinic staff service, simply hand out pagers and write names by the call buttons on the transmitter. Press the one-touch buttons when you need to alert staff.

For restaurant waitstaff service, give servers and managers pagers and write their names by the transmitter buttons at the start of their shifts. Mount the transmitter by the kitchen pass-through window and press the one-touch buttons to call servers when food is ready.

For church nursery service, give parents a pager when they drop their child off at the nursery. Write names by the transmitter's page buttons. When you need parents, just press the one-touch buttons and they will be alerted without disrupting the service.

Staff pagers are usually used to send simple signals that may mean "go to the receptionist", "your food is up", "go to the nursery" or "call the operator". When signaled, Apollo staff pagers beep, flash or vibrate for up to ten seconds or until stopped. Pagers are signaled as easily as pressing a doorbell and call buttons can be pressed repeatedly if needed.

The transmitter has status button lights to make it easy to monitor responses to pages. Calls can be cleared from the transmitter panel.

Additional Pagers

This system kit listing includes 5 staff pagers with shopping cart upgrade options for 10 and 15 pagers. Additional Apollo brand individual pagers, transmitters and chargers may be purchased separately and we also offer smaller and larger systems (see the left margin). Any of our systems may be customized. You may easily purchase our standard systems (such as this one) using our online shopping cart or call us at 805-375-7000 to order a custom system with any number or variety of pagers and transmitters.

Note: These Apollo brand pagers are not compatible with other brands of pager equipment.

Other System Sizes

Click on the links in the left margin to go to listings for pager systems of other sizes and types. You can see their prices and add them to your shopping cart from their respective pages. Call us at 805-375-7000 for quotes on unlisted systems.

System Features

This Apollo paging system is simple to install (plug-n-play) and offers the following features:

  • Attractive price with features comparable to much more expensive systems.
  • Extremely simple do-it-yourself install and setup.
  • Typical range of one-third mile in built-up areas or up to a mile in open areas
  • All-call feature.
  • Nineteen one-touch call buttons (Sixteen standard call buttons and three multi-function buttons.)
  • Unique system IDs prevent interference from all other systems
  • Call status lights to track unanswered calls

Kit Components

This Apollo paging system consists of the following:

  • 1 transmitter / base station (model Apollo TE-310) with dry-erase pen, power supply and hardware for desk or wall mounting
  • 5 staff pagers with belt clips (model Apollo-202)

Hardware Descriptions

Transmitter (Model TE-310)

  • Call up to 19 pagers with extremely simple one-touch buttons
  • Up to one-half mile range in open areas or one-third mile range in typical built-up areas
  • Dry-erase blank area next to buttons for writing staff names
  • Call status lights to track unanswered calls.
  • Three special function buttons (can be used as regular pager buttons or all-call buttons)
  • Small and lightweight: 9.1" x 6.7" x 2" (with antenna horizontal) (232mm x 170mm x 50mm)
  • 7.5" long, detachable, positionable antenna
  • 17 ozs., including antenna

Staff Pager (Model 202)

  • Strong vibration for silent alert or beep
  • Sturdy and reliable.
  • Small and light: 2.4" x 1.6" x .7" (61mm x 41mm x 17mm), 1.2 ozs (32.5 gms).
  • Uses user-replaceable AAA battery. (You can substitute rechargeable batteries.)
  • Removable belt holsters (for belt clips).
  • Alert types and pager identity are user-programmable from the pager.
  • Note: The pager's numeric side display is not used with the TE-310 transmitter. Only the pager's vibrate and/or beep signals are used for this system. (We use this pager type for this kit because, even though we don't use it's display, this particular model is much more economical than non-display pagers and it works very well as an alert-only pager.)

Shopping Cart Options

Click on the Add to Cart button (orange and blue, upper left corner of this page) to see options and prices for this system:

  1. 5 pagers and 1 transmitter
  2. 10 pagers and 1 transmitter
  3. 15 pagers and 1 transmitter.

Optional Extras

Your Apollo paging kit can easily be expanded to fit your needs with additional or optional:

  • Staff pagers
  • Transmitters

Replacement Parts

Your Apollo paging kit can easily be user-repaired with available replacement parts:

  • Power supplies
  • Antennas
  • Pager holsters (belt clips)

Related Products

Optional Extras: Your system can be customized or expanded and parts can be replaced with individual purchases of the following:
  • Staff / Server Pagers
  • Transmitters
  • Chargers
  • Pager belt clips
  • Pager paddles
  • Power supplies
  • Range Extension Devices

Pagers and System Expansion Kits


Staff Pager Chargers

Spare Parts: Belt Clips, Paddles, Power Supplies


  • One-year warranty
  • Technical support


Delivery Time: Normal delivery with UPS Ground takes three to seven business days, depending on your location.

International Delivery: ARCT and Apollo brand products are available for international delivery.

Rush Orders: If your order is urgent and you want assurance of immediate shipping, you must call us at 805-375-7000. Note that UPS only guarantees delivery dates for its overnight services.

Overnight Shipping: Overnight shipping is available for this item to most US locations. Friday overnight shipments are normally delivered on Monday unless Saturday delivery is requested by phone. Saturday Delivery, where available, is 50% more than regular overnight.

Returns: This product is returnable within 30 days of delivery. Refunds are less shipping and certain charge card merchant fees (when fees are non-refundable).

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Apollo brand pager equipment is not compatible or related to LRS or Long Range Systems brand pager systems. Apollo, ARCT, LRS, Long Range Systems and Windows are trademarks and brand names of their respective owners. This page includes copyrighted images belonging to Advanced Analytical Inc. which must not be used without their owner's permission.
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