Restaurant Food Cost Control Software: Book of Yields CD- Food Yields & Conversions Tables

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Restaurant Food Cost Control Software: Book of Yields CD- Food Yields & Conversions Tables

The Book of Yields CD - Food Yields and Conversions Tables, 7th Edition

You can't figure your recipe costs or ideal food cost unless you include accurate yield factors. To get these, you can spend weeks testing food yourself or you can look them up in The Book of Yields CD. This CD contains the exact information you need to efficiently enter food items into any inventory or recipe-costing program. With this, you can easily convert purchase units from weights to volumes and from raw to trimmed foods. Includes over 3,000 measures of 900 common foods, trim yields, cooking yields and weight-to-volume equivalents.

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The Book of Yields CD: Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing, 7th Edition


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The Book of Yields CD - Food Yields and Conversions Tables, 7th Edition
Product ID: 0-471-68437-6-0020
Revised: 3/1/2025

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Our Price: $79.95
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 Software  Dec 2007  Francis T. Lynch

Do you understand the importance of yield factors? Do you know that if you take ten pounds of raw turkey, cook and debone it, you end up with five pounds of usable product for a 50% yield. This doubles the cost of prepped turkey relative to raw.

You can't figure your recipe costs or ideal food cost unless you include accurate yield factors. To get these, you can spend weeks testing food yourself or you can look them up in The Book of Yields CD. This CD contains the exact information you need to efficiently enter food items into any inventory or recipe-costing program. With this, you can easily convert purchase units from weights to volumes and from raw to trimmed foods.

The CD includes:

  • Over 3,000 measures of 900 common foods.
  • Trim yields.
  • Cooking yields.
  • Weight-to-volume equivalents.


Sections: Using the Book of Yields. Herbs Help. Dry Herbs and Spices. Fresh Herbs. Produce Help. Vegetables. Fruit. Starchy Items Help. Dry Legumes. Rice, Grains, and Cereals. Dry Pasta. Baking Items Help. Nuts and Seeds. Flour, Meal, Bran, and Crumbs. Sweeteners. Special Baking Items. Fats and Oils. Condiments. Liquids. Dairy Costing Help. Dairy Items. Beverage Costing Help. Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa. Meats Help. Meats. Seafood Help. Seafood. Poultry Help. Poultry. Can Sizes. Scoop (Disher) Sizes. Pans and Trays. Measurement Conversions Help. Measurement Conversions. Simple Formulas.

Plus, The Book of Yields contains complete Metric and Imperial conversions and capacities of pans, cans and trays.

The Book of Yields is available on CD-ROM and in print. The CD version also contains the Chef's Calculators, allows additions to the database and prints out all pages.


Windows XP or above. No Macintosh version is available.

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