This series of twenty pre-configured and customizeable Microsoft Excel restaurant spreadsheets organizes critical data from your daily POS system sales, labor reports and food and beverage bills.
Use them to ensure that opportunities for proactive management don't pass you by. All too often, POS data is automatically posted to accounting software without critical review by a manager, and then the ability to make timely decisions is lost.
The spreadsheets come with detailed instructions. They can easily be customized by an experienced Excel user. Simply unprotect the worksheet, make your changes and then re-protect it again.
The entire set of twenty Excel workbooks are $129, a huge savings compared to purchasing them individually. The workbook titles include:
- Profit and Loss
- Weekly Sales
- Weekly Sales and Labor
- Weekly Prime Cost
- Food and Beverage Inventory
- Weekly Purchase Log
- Blind Staffing
- Kitchen Schedule Planner and Writer
- Front of House Schedule Planner and Writer
- Weekly Sales Projection
- Vendor Order Guide
- Menu Engineering
- Menu Analysis
- Beverage Analysis
- Key Product Usage
- Break Even Analysis
- Weekly Cash Flow
- Tip Reporting Form
- Petty Cash Log
- Payroll Accrual
The files are downloadable for immediate free delivery.
Spreadsheet Descriptions
Daily Sales Report: Designed to track your sales data from cash register or POS reports, the worksheet organizes daily and week-to-date results. Print the report at the close of each day and share with key management. Monitor sales by category and track weekly trends.
 Daily Sales Report example. Click to enlarge.
Daily Sales Report plus Labor Summary: The worksheet tracks your sales data from cash register or POS reports and organizes daily and week-to-date results. Print the report at the close of each day and share with key management. Monitor sales by category and track weekly trends.
Labor expenses are also tracked by department against the sales so you can check your daily and week-to-date labor costs as a percentage of sales. The spreadsheet allocates your labor costs by department (e.g. Kitchen, Front of House, Managers, etc.) utilizing the labor report information from your POS report and salaried employee inputs. The report also accounts for estimated employer tax expenses. Monitor your daily and weekly labor expenses as compared to labor targets that you choose. A very powerful tool!
 Daily Sales plus Labor Summary example. Click to enlarge.
Weekly Sales & Prime Costs ($49): This spreadsheet takes this spreadsheet series to its logical conclusion by also accounting for your weekly food and beverage purchases as well as beginning and ending food and beverage inventories. The result is a weekly cost of goods sold (COGS) summary and a prime cost report which indicate your restaurant's total F&B usage plus Gross Labor in both total dollars and as a percentage of the current week's sales. Use this report to manage both your labor and your purchases and to keep expenses in line with sales budgets.
 Weekly Sales & Prime Costs example. Click to enlarge.
Weekly Food & Beverage Purchase Log: Summarize your daily food and beverage purchases on a single weekly log sheet. Includes vendor name, invoice number, date and breakout by food and beverage category. Have a one page, easy to read summary of weekly purchase totals to compare with your budget (based on reordering to specified par levels). Use the summarized totals to make entries into QuickBooks.
 Weekly Food & Beverage Purchase Log example. Click to enlarge.
Employee Schedule & Labor Cost: This is one powerful tool that every restaurant operator should be using! This helps you schedule every labor hour of the day to provide you with instant feedback of the costs associated with your scheduling decisions. Compare the labor expense of each scenario with your projected sales to determine optimum employee scheduling. Then use the plan to create your actual weekly schedule and track the actual labor costs against your plan and actual sales for feedback. There is no better way to effectively keep labor costs in line with actual sales!
 Employee Schedule & Labor Cost example. Click to enlarge. (pop-ups must be enabled)
Food & Beverage Inventory: Counting and calculating your end-of-month food and beverage inventory is made as easy as can be with this spreadsheet. Enter your restaurant's product list and unit prices in the inventory template, and thereafter, the form does all the math for you with totals by category. Each month's count sheets are saved for future reference.
 Food & Beverage Inventory example. Click to enlarge. (pop-ups must be enabled)
Menu Engineering & Profitability Workbook: This is a powerful and fully automated tool for assessing the profitability of your menu items based on their food cost, selling price and popularity. Five worksheets are included to assess all your menu categories from appetizers to desserts.
 Menu Engineering & Profitability Workbook example. Click to enlarge. (Pop-ups must be enabled.)
Weekly Sales Projection: This is an easy tool to help project daily and weekly sales by day-part. Simply input estimates of customer counts and check averages for each meal period and the worksheet calculates sales totals and daily percentage contributions. Use in reverse to determine how many covers or check averages are required to generate total sales.
 Weekly Sales Projection example. Click to Enlarge
Payroll Accrual: Accruing payroll at the end of each month is unquestionably the most important task that 99% of independent restaurant operators ignore. Most importantly, use this for accurate payroll totals in your profit and loss statement. This workbook makes accrual easy and automatically creates the necessary journal entries (both the accrual and the reversal) to enter into your accounting software.
 Payroll Accrual example. Click to enlarge. (Pop-ups must be enabled.)
Microsoft Excel is required for this product and is not included.