Restaurant Management Books: Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls Package

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Restaurant Management Books: Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls Package

Principles of Food, Beverage, & Labor Cost Controls Package, 8th Edition

This industry standard textbook by well-known industry expert Paul R. Dittmer covers principles of restaurant cost control, essential to restaurant owner/operators and managers. It comes accompanied by ProMgmt Student Workbook, which allows students to obtain a certificate from the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Includes a diskette which contains Excel spreadsheet applications.

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Principles of Food, Beverage, & Labor Cost Controls Package, 8th Edition


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Principles of Food, Beverage, & Labor Cost Controls Package, 8th Edition
Product ID: JW-978-0-471-42992-0-0096
Revised: 3/1/2025

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Our Price: $79.00
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 656 pages  Diskette  Hardcover  Feb 2005

This industry standard textbook by well-known industry expert Paul R. Dittmer covers principles of restaurant cost control, essential to restaurant owner/operators and managers. It comes accompanied by ProMgmt Student Workbook, which allows students to obtain a certificate from the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation. Includes a diskette which contains Excel spreadsheet applications.

  • Accompanied by a diskette which contains Excel spreadsheet applications
  • 40% of chapters contain revised materials
  • Full supplements package


Introduction to Food, Beverage, and Labor Controls

  1. Cost and Sales Concepts
  2. The Control Process
  3. Cost/Volume/Profit Relationships

Food Control

  1. Food Purchasing and Receiving Control
  2. Food Storing and Issuing Control
  3. Food Production Control I: Portions
  4. Food Production Control II: Quantities
  5. Monitoring Foodservice Operations I: Monthly Inventory and Monthly Food Cost
  6. Monitoring Foodservice Operations II: Daily Food Cost
  7. Monitoring Foodservice Operations III: Actual versus Standard Food Costs
  8. Menu Engineering and Analysis
  9. Controlling Food Sales

Beverage Control

  1. Beverage Purchasing Control
  2. Beverage Receiving, Storing, and Issuing Control
  3. Beverage Production Control
  4. Monitoring Beverage Operations
  5. Beverage Sales Control

Labor Control

  1. Labor Cost Considerations
  2. Establishing Performance Standards
  3. Training Staff
  4. Monitoring Performance and Taking Corrective Action



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