LRS Pager Kit: Star Staff Pager Expansion Kit ADD-STAFF (5 Pagers & Charger Expansion)

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LRS Pager Kit: Star Staff Pager Expansion Kit ADD-STAFF (5 Pagers & Charger Expansion)


LRS Pager Kit: Star Staff Pager Expansion Kit ADD-STAFF (5 Pagers & Charger Expansion)

This LRS pager system expansion kit adds pagers and charger capacity to your existing LRS staff or server pager system. It includes five Star (Staff/Server) Pagers and a five-bay charger expansion rack and options to number the pagers as 6-10, 11-15, or 16-20. Installation is plug-and-play simple.

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Revised: 2/1/2025
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LRS Pager Kit: Star Staff Pager Expansion Kit ADD-STAFF (5 Pagers & Charger Expansion)


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LRS Pager Kit: Star Staff Pager Expansion Kit ADD-STAFF (5 Pagers & Charger Expansion)
Product ID: LRS-ADD-STAFF6-10-00258
Revised: 2/1/2025

Click links below to see more products in the class.
Main Class: Pager System Parts for Long Range Systems

Our Price: $274.95
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This LRS pager system expansion kit adds pagers and charger capacity to your existing LRS staff or server pager system. It includes five Star (Staff/Server) Pagers and a five-bay charger expansion rack and options to number the pagers as 6-10, 11-15, or 16-20. Installation is plug-and-play simple.

The charger system consists of racks in which up to five pagers are charged per rack. A single power supply with up to five racks connected together by jumper wires can charge up to twenty-five pagers. Charger racks fasten to each other to make a compact footprint.

Charger 9 systems can be expanded to a total of five racks with a capacity for twenty-five pagers. If you have more than twenty-five pagers, order more charger sets as required.

Complete Pager Systems: Look in the left margin of this page under the heading Server Pager Systems for links to the complete pager system kits that work with this expansion kit.

Expansion Kit Contents

This Staff/Server Pager Expansion Kit includes:

  • Five Star Pagers, numbered and programmed as selected.
  • Five pager cradles (belt clips)
  • One five-bay charger expansion rack (model CH-9).
  • One jumper wire to connect to other charger racks for power.

Shopping Cart Options

When you add this item to the shopping cart, you will see three options to select the range of pager numbers you need (for example, if you already have only pagers 1-5, you will need pagers 6-10).

  • Select option 1 to for pagers 6-10.
  • Select option 2 to for pagers 11-15.
  • Select option 3 to for pagers 16-20.

To order any other range or series of pager numbers, please call us at 805-375-7000 to place your custom order or write in the numbers you need in the Special Instructions section of the shopping cart.

Related Products

Optional Extras: Your system can be customized or expanded and parts can be replaced with individual purchases of the following:
  • Staff / Server Pagers
  • Text Display Pagers
  • Transmitters
  • Chargers
  • Pager belt clips
  • Power supplies
  • Range Extension Devices

Pagers and System Expansion Kits


Range Extenders

Star and AdverTeaser Pager Chargers

Spare Parts: Belt Clips, Power Supplies, Jumper Wires


Warranty Period for LRS Components: Whichever comes last - 30 days or the end of your System Warranty. (System Warranties are one-year and are extendable.)

Support: Seven-day extended hours technical support


Delivery Time: Normal delivery with UPS Ground takes three to seven business days, depending on your location.

Rush Orders: If your order is urgent and you want assurance of immediate shipping, you must call us at 805-375-7000. Note that UPS only guarantees delivery dates for its overnight services.

Overnight Shipping: Overnight shipping is available for this item to most US locations. Friday overnight shipments are normally delivered on Monday unless Saturday delivery is requested by phone. Saturday Delivery, where available, is 50% more than regular overnight.

Returns: LRS Products are returnable within 14 days of delivery. Refunds are less shipping, 15% restock fee and charge card merchant fees (if applied).

US Delivery Only: Radio equipment regulations apply to pager systems and are such that we can only deliver LRS products to US addresses.

Above: Two charger racks on their base plate, connected by a jumper wire. Up to five racks can be connected this way. The power supply is not shown.

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