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Advanced Analytical, Inc.
Newbury Park, CA 91320

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About specializes in the development and sales of software, devices and services for restaurants and all types of food service. Our client list includes some of the best known restaurants, hotels and culinary schools in the world. Our top sellers are our own IPro restaurant inventory software LRS restaurant pagers, and nutraCoster nutritional analysis software. We also carry the full line of the Culinary Institute of America's professional training videos.

Revised: 3/11/2025
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Restaurant Employee Schedule & Labor Cost Spreadsheet for Excel
Our Price: $29.00

One of a series of pre-configured and customizeable Microsoft Excel spreadsheets by a leading restaurant accounting consultant. Schedule every labor hour of the day to get instant feedback of the costs of your scheduling decisions. Compare labor expense with your projected sales to determine optimum employee scheduling. Create your weekl... more.
See more like this: Spreadsheets

Restaurant Payroll Accrual Spreadsheet for Excel
ID: RRG-PA-00141
Our Price: $29.00

One of a series of pre-configured and customizeable Microsoft Excel spreadsheets by a leading restaurant accounting consultant. Accruing payroll at the end of each month is unquestionably the most important task that 99% of independent restaurant operators ignore. Most importantly, use this for accurate payroll totals in your profit and... more.
See more like this: Spreadsheets
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