IPro Upgrade Series 30 to Series 40

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IPro Upgrade Series 30 to Series 40

IPro Upgrade Series 30 to Series 40

This item is the upgrade that installs IPro Series 40 providing that IPro Series 30 is already installed. IPro Series 40 is the next generation of IPro with many major improvements from Series 30. This item is only sold as an upgrade and cannot install unless a full working copy of IPro Series 30 is already installed.Downloadable for immediate and free delivery.

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IPro Upgrade Series 30 to Series 40


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IPro Upgrade Series 30 to Series 40
Product ID: IP40U-0012
Revised: 3/1/2025

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Our Price: $149.95
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This item is the upgrade that installs IPro Series 40 providing that IPro Series 30 is already installed. IPro Series 40 is the next generation of IPro with many major improvements over Series 30. This item is only sold as an upgrade and cannot install unless a full working copy of IPro Series 30 is already installed. Please see IPro Series 40 Restaurant Inventory & Recipe Software if you are shopping for a new, regular installation of the IPro software.

This item is downloadable for immediate and free delivery. For fastest processing, this web site automatically and immediately sends download instructions by email if you use a credit card.

Upgrade Improvements

The most obvious changes in Series 40 are enhancements brought by the major change to updated software technology and components:

  • IPro Series 40 runs on 64-bit Vista and Series 30 does not. This is critical because almost all new laptop computers are provided with 64-bit Vista, so they cannot run IPro Series 30.
  • The software help feature is greatly improved. It is far easier to navigate, search and print than before. Help text can be copied and pasted. (It is now compiled HTML and as such, has many of the usual features associated with web pages. This does not mean that an internet connection is required.)
  • The report viewing feature and its associated export capability is greatly improved. Reports can be exported as HTML for viewing in your browser or as RTF for use in word processors or spreadsheets.
  • All program functions are now faster.
  • References to data paths or folders use the current rules (with path segments of any length and special characters) rather than the old (with segments limited to 8 characters, etc.).
  • The mouse scroll wheel works in appropriate places such as when scrolling help and data grids up and down. (The scroll wheel was not enabled at all before.)
  • Data grids are friendlier, with alternating color bars and obvious line selection buttons.
  • Installation, repair and updating features are advanced to the most current standards.
  • Function windows and their associated data grids and notepads all stretch to make best use of your available viewing area. (You you can see more data lines and find them quicker.)
  • Many other improvements also exist that are not strictly related to the change to new technology.

The overall improvement that must not be left out is that the IPro Series 40 "platform" is the base on which improvements will be made for years to come. (Don't expect any more changes to IPro Series 30.)

Upgrade Notes

This upgrade works with data from all IPro versions from 30.00 and later (i.e., 30.7x, 30.8x, etc).

IPro Series 40 installs separately from IPro Series 30. IPro Series 30 remains unchanged on your computer and can still be used. IPro Series 40 can simply connect to your old data so you can use IPro 40 immediately.

The essential features of IPro 40 are very similar to IPro 30's so you should be able to use it with very little study.

This upgrade version of IPro Series 40 can only install on computers that have IPro Series 30 installed already. If you need to install this on a computer that does not have IPro already installed, please call or email to request a non-upgrade installation package.

Installation Downloads and CDs

This upgrade is installed by downloading an installation file from the web site. When you purchase this upgrade, you will receive an email with the link to the download page and the necessary password for the upgrade file.

The download file alone is usually sufficient for this purpose and a CD version of the same thing is not available or necessary. You can download and install the upgrade file as many times as you need to. You can make your own backup copy of the download file by burning it to a CD or copying it to a thumb drive.

The upgrade installation file can be downloaded on one computer and moved to another computer as you would move any file (i.e., by CD or thumb drive), so you can install the upgrade if IPro is on another computer.

Upgrade and Support Options and Policies

There are many more upgrades planned for IPro Series 40. The cost of this upgrade alone includes a limited number of upgrades, including any critical fixes that may be required in the near future.

We are also offering an optional one-year upgrade package that entitles you to all the upgrades we produce for the next year. You can purchase the upgrade package as one of the shopping cart options for this item.

Phone support for current IPro versions is free and informal.

All of our policies, products, services and prices are subject to change without notice.

Series 40 Screen Shots

Below are some screen shots to hint at how the revised program looks.

The Item Main Window now looks like the below when it's reduced to minimum size. (It is normally expanded to show much more.)

The Help screen looks like the below when it's reduced to minimum size. (It also expands to show much more.) It is greatly improved over the old help.

On-Line Help Screen Example

The Help manual now includes animated graphics, especially in the tutorials:

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