Restaurant Software / Cost Control: IPro Restaurant Food Inventory & Recipe Costing Software

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Restaurant Software / Cost Control: IPro Restaurant Food Inventory & Recipe Costing Software
IPro Series 40 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software

IPro restaurant and general food service inventory and recipe cost control software dramatically reduces food and beverage costs by detecting creeping costs, overuse, theft and unknown costs. IPro features periodic and perpetual inventory for food, liquor and supplies, build-to-par ordering, purchase history, vendor comparison, recipe costing and resizing, recipe printing, stock depletion by sales or production, sales and profit history, trends and analysis, and much more. Compare this program to others at ten times the price! Downloadable for immediate and free delivery.


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Restaurant Inventory & Recipe Costing Products

IPro Restaurant Inventory,
Recipe & Sales Software Features

  • Inventory Control
  • Recipe Costing & Resizing
  • Ordering & Purchase History
  • Ideal & Actual Cost Analysis
  • Sales & Profit Analysis

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Revised: 3/1/2025
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IPro Series 40 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software


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IPro Series 40 Restaurant Inventory, Recipe & Menu Software
Product ID: IPro40-008
Revised: 3/1/2025

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Purchasing Features

One of IPro's major functions is to assist in purchasing inventory in the right quantities and at the right prices. Ordering correctly keeps stock on hand at a minimum so as not to tie up your money needlessly and prevent waste, while at the same time, insure there is enough stock to prevent shortages.

IPro calculates order quantities using any of a wide variety of powerful ordering formulas- build to minimum par, build to maximum par, etc. The resulting order amounts are reported as quantities in worklists rather than quantities in activity reports or order reports. This means that in order to see the order quantities, you must view or print the worklists.

The reason for doing things this way is that in practice, order quantities are suggested amounts which you are likely to modify item-by-item. You can do this easily with worklists because they are interactive and normal reports are not.

Order Quantity Calculation Methods

Order Quantity Setup Screen Example

Ordering Formulas Setup Screen Example

Basic Methods: IPro has eight basic order calculation methods, each of which can be adjusted by its related settings:

  1. Build to minimum par (normal method)

  2. Build to maximum par

  3. Build to maximum par if below minimum par

  4. Item-by-item % of last use

  5. Build to minimum par times a percentage

  6. Last usage times a percentage.

  7. Standard order times a percentage.

  8. Forecast quantity times a percentage.

Largest-of-the-Above: You may select any one method or any combination of methods. If you select a combination, IPro calculates order quantities by each selected method and only applies the quantity by the largest method on an item-by-item basis.

For example, let's say you normally order by just building inventory up to minimum par levels. However, the upcoming week includes a holiday which normally causes business to jump by 20% or more. You can ask IPro to order the normal build-to-minimum par amount, but use the forecast amount if it is greater. This way, item-by-item, you only buy the normal amount if it is sufficient but you get the extra amount where the forecast calls for it.

Adding or Replacing Order Quantities: If you are processing existing lists, you can either replace the lists' existing quantities with the order quantities or you can add the order quantities to the original quantities.

Let's say that you normally use a buy list with order quantities which are manually prepared for some special reason such as "things that must be ordered on Monday no matter what". However, this week you have a large special event and you want to add the forecast requirements to the regular order. To do this, you:

  1. Make a sales log for the special event and select it as the forecasting source list.
  2. Make the special Monday buy list the target list
  3. Select "forecast" as the order method.
  4. Select "Add original target list qtys to order qtys"

Build-To Base Level Options:

Four of the order methods are "build-to":

  • Build to minimum par (normal method)
  • Build to maximum par
  • Build to maximum par if below minimum par
  • Build to minimum par times a percentage

These methods depend on the current stock level and the other methods do not. For example, build to minimum par subtracts the current stock level from the minimum par level to get the order quantity. Standard order times a percentage only refers to each item's standard order quantity and does not refer to stock levels at all.

Stock Level Types: The build-to methods depend on stock levels, for which there are actually several kinds:

  • Periodic: This is the last amount actually counted without any further adjustments by sales, items received or any other activity type. This is the usual method because it does not depend on anything other than the last physical count. It is usually accurate because ordering is usually done immediately after taking inventory.
  • Perpetual: This is the last estimated amount including sales, items received, etc.
  • Zero: This treats the stock level as zero which allows you to order amounts equal to the par levels regardless of the current stock levels.
  • Forecast version of the above: With this option, IPro subtracts forecast quantities from the above to give forecast stock levels as the build-to basis.

Scaleable Methods: Several of the methods can be scaled (multiplied by a percentage) to adjust ordering up and down in a very general way. For example, if you normally only order the standard order amount but you are anticipating a poor week due to bad weather, you can change the standard order's scalar from 100% (the normal scale) to 80% to reduce the order quantity to 80% of the standard order.

Order Rounding and List Clean-Up: "Exact" order quantities are not usually useful just as they are. The ordering formulas can derive negative and zero quantities which mean that you don't need to order the item. Positive quantities such as "3.5" are not useful if you can't order fractional amounts. Even whole quantities like "8" may not be useful if the item must be ordered in multiples of six. IPro gives you these "finishing" options:

  • Use precise quantities: This is useful if you want to see the "raw" quantities so you can use your best judgment as the final part of the ordering process.
  • Round to the nearest whole number: This option rounds up positive orders and rounds down negative orders: "3.15" becomes "4" and "-3.15" becomes "-4".
  • Round to a multiple of the standard order: If the standard order is also a minimum order unit, this option rounds to the nearest multiple of the standard order. For example, if mayonnaise only comes in four-bottle cases and the precise order quantity is "14", IPro can round that up to the nearest multiple of 4 which is "16".
  • Include items with order quantities less than or equal to zero ("<=0"): Normally, you do not use this option because you only want to see those items which need to be ordered. If you select this option, all the items which were originally selected for the list remain on the list, even if their order quantities are zero or less.
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