LRS Pager System: Staff / Server Pager System Kit (05 Pager) KIT-STAFF5

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LRS Pager System: Staff / Server Pager System Kit (05 Pager) KIT-STAFF5


LRS Pager System: Staff / Server Pager System Kit (05 Pager) KIT-STAFF5

Restaurant server pagers alert your wait staff when food is ready so they can get it out fast and hot, yet spend more time with guests, improving customer service and increasing checks. offers complete server paging systems for the lowest prices anywhere! Easier to install than most stereo systems- no wiring, construction or programming necessary!

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Revised: 2/1/2025
Home  > LRS Restaurant Server Pager System Kit (12 Pagers) >
LRS Restaurant Server Pager Starter Kit (5 Pagers)


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LRS Pager System: Staff / Server Pager System Kit (05 Pager) KIT-STAFF5
Product ID: LRS-KIT-STAFF5-0010
Revised: 2/1/2025

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Main Class: Restaurant Pagers and Restaurant Paging Systems

More Classes: Best Sellers;  Featured Items;  Hospital Pagers and Healthcare Paging Systems;  Kitchen Management;  Pager Systems;  Restaurant Management, Front of the House;  Restaurant Paging Systems;  Specials

Our Price: $599.95
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Overview offers complete professional restaurant server pager kits for the lowest prices anywhere! Compare: five-pager systems are normally sold by POS dealers for $700 - $900.

Replacing that old call bell or streamlining your entire operation? Restaurant server pagers alert your wait staff when food is ready so they can get it out fast and hot, yet spend more time with guests, improving customer service and increasing checks.

  • Serve hot food hot, cold food cold and fresh food fresh.
  • Prevent slow or forgotten orders.
  • Reduce kitchen and dining room noise and chatter.
  • Reduce kitchen crowding- keep the wait staff out until called.
  • Increase serving speed.
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Increase sales by giving servers more check-building time with customers.
This server pager kit is easier to self-install than a stereo system. No wiring, tools or electrician are required. Just plug in and go!
  • Simple installation.
  • UHF frequency (467 mhz) for effective penetration from steel-shielded kitchens (far superior to 27 mhz non-restaurant systems).
  • Reliable and kitchen-hardened.
  • User-programmable pagers (unlike competing systems which must be returned for reprogramming).
  • No batteries to buy- rechargeable batteries are good for five years.
  • 24/7 technical support.
  • Immediate transmitter replacement (often overnight, with free shipping!).
  • One-Year warranty on parts.
  • 14-day money-back guarantee (less shipping and 15% restocking fee).

More Applications: Staff and Parent Paging

Restaurant server pager systems are also great general-purpose staff or church nursery pagers. These systems are also often used in healthcare and church nurseries and countless other situations where there is a need to discreetly page staff or parents attending church service. This system is commonly used in such non-restaurant applications as:

  • Staff paging in clinics and medical offices.
  • Parent paging in church day care centers.
  • Staff paging at day spas.
  • Staff paging at auto repair centers.
  • Staff paging in factories and offices.
  • Staff paging in animal care facilities.

LRS staff pagers are great for use in business and medical offices, church nurseries, and on manufacturing floors and are widely used for such. Staff pagers (“Star” model) are small, discreet, usually silent (but can beep) and are meant to be carried for entire shifts. “Star” pagers are alert-only pagers but we have other system types for sending text. Transmitters (base stations) are one-touch for speed and simplicity and have dry-erase boards that easily relate names to pager numbers.

The main restaurant-specific feature of this system is its extremely durable design – it’s built to withstand the abuse of typical restaurant service and any other use is easy by comparison. This system works beautifully for any business that needs simple and reliable local staff paging.

Kit Contents

This LRS Server Pager Starter Kit consists of:
  • 1 Transmitter (T9560EZ Model)
  • 1 Dry-erase board to ID the servers.
  • 5 Pagers with belt clips
  • 1 recharging station (5 pager capacity).
Optional Extras: Your starter kit can be expanded with individual purchases of the following:
  • Pagers
  • Transmitters
  • Chargers
  • Pager belt clips

Other System Sizes

Look in the margin to the left under Server Pagers to go to listings for server pager systems of other sizes. You can see their prices and add them to your shopping cart from their respective pages. Call us at 805-375-7000 for quotes on unlisted or custom systems.

Guest Pagers: Look in the margin to the left under Guest Pagers for details about the LRS Guest Pager Starter Kits.

How Server Pagers Work

Server pagers are simple and effective: When a meal is ready, the cook presses a button on a transmitter in the kitchen and then a pager, worn by a server, vibrates silently to call the server to the kitchen.

Transmitters: Transmitters are usually mounted on a wall in the kitchen or prep station. There are twelve numbered one-touch call buttons. Pressing a one-touch button sends a signal to the corresponding pager that makes the pager vibrate strongly but silently. The server will feel the vibration but there will be no pager sounds heard in your restaurant.

Transmitters are usually attached to a dry-erase board (included) with numbered spaces for server names written in dry marker or grease pencil. The boards and transmitters together are mounted on the wall with Velcro (also included).

The transmitters are powerful and can easily cover a 15,000 square foot facility.

Transmitters are powered by A/C or rechargeable batteries if there is no convenient power source. They are small, rugged and portable.

Multiple Stations: You can call servers to three different locations. Transmitters can be programmed to send distinct signals so pagers vibrate from one to three times per call (i.e., one buzz for the kitchen, two for the bar, and three for cold prep). Lights on the pagers also show the transmitter call- one, two or three.

You can also have multiple transmitters in one location so one is always in arm's reach. Transmitters can share IDs (indicated by one to three buzzes).

Server Numbers: The one-touch buttons quickly call pagers 1 through 20. The system is not limited to these-- pager IDs can be 1 through 899 (but IDs above 20 are not one-touch).

Pagers can be programmed to have any ID number from 1 to 899. The transmitter has a pager programming feature so it can quickly change pager IDs as needed. If desired, servers can keep their regular ID no matter which pager they get. If a pager is lost or broken, its ID can easily be given to another.

This starter kit system includes five pagers. You can have any number of wait staff overall but you only need five pagers if you only have five servers on the floor at any given time. Servers can be assigned the pager's ID as pagers are handed out or pagers can be given the server's ID.

It's wise to have spares- additional pagers can be purchased individually. Though the pagers are rugged and can even be dropped fully into water (for a few moments), they may still be taken home or misplaced.

Pager belt holsters are used instead of belt clips. The pagers themselves do not have protruding parts so clips cannot be broken off. The starter kit includes spare belt holsters.

Charger: A pager charger rack is included with the kit. It has status lights to show charging units. Pagers are fully charged in four hours and then can go up to 60 hours between charges. Pager batteries are good as long as five years.

Feature Summary

Server Pager
  • Strong vibration for silent alert
  • Sturdy and reliable.
  • Small and light: 3" x 2" x .75", 4 ozs.
  • Indicator lights
  • Calling stations are distinguished by vibration and light counts.
  • Rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries for long battery life and no "memory" problems.
  • Up to 60 hours on a single charge.
  • Belt holsters instead of clips. Unlike most competitors' pagers, there's no worry about broken pager clips.
  • Pagers are set to System ID 9.
  • Call up to 20 pagers with one-touch buttons
  • 250mw transmitter power
  • Call up to 899 pagers.
  • Three transmitter identities (i.e., to calls from the kitchen, bar and hostess locations).
  • Power by 110V or rechargeable battery.
  • UHF FM frequency for better signal penetration of walls and floors.
  • Easy wireless programmability allows setting pager numbers from the transmitter.
  • The transmitter is set to System ID 9.

Charger (CH-R9-5)

  • Charge up to 5 pagers simultaneously
  • Full charge in 4 hours
  • Stores pagers at full charge and does not overcharge
  • Charging indicator lights
  • Expandable to 25 pagers

Upgrade Options

When you click the Add to Cart button, you will be presented with options to:

  • Increase the charger rack capacity from 5 to 10 pager bays to easily expand the total pagers in the future.
  • Select the same system with 7 pagers instead of 5.

Expansion Options

This item is part of the series of "LRS System ID 9 Kits". The kits are standardized and all use System ID 9. (The "system ID" is used like a common frequency.) You can expand this system with more pagers or transmitters that also are set to System ID 9. (This does not apply to the shopping cart upgrade options offered with this item- they are not "ID 9 Kits".)

Related Products

Optional Extras: Your system can be customized or expanded and parts can be replaced with individual purchases of the following:
  • Staff / Server Pagers
  • Text Display Pagers
  • Transmitters
  • Chargers
  • Pager belt clips
  • Power supplies
  • Range Extension Devices

Pagers and System Expansion Kits


Range Extenders

Star and AdverTeaser Pager Chargers

Spare Parts: Belt Clips, Power Supplies, Jumper Wires


  • One-year warranty
  • Immediate transmitter replacement (often overnight, with free shipping)
  • Seven-day extended hours technical support


Delivery Time: Normal delivery with UPS Ground takes three to seven business days, depending on your location.

Rush Orders: If your order is urgent and you want assurance of immediate shipping, you must call us at 805-375-7000. Note that UPS only guarantees delivery dates for its overnight services.

Overnight Shipping: Overnight shipping is available for this item to most US locations. Friday overnight shipments are normally delivered on Monday unless Saturday delivery is requested by phone. Saturday Delivery, where available, is 50% more than regular overnight.

Returns: LRS Products are returnable within 14 days of delivery. Refunds are less shipping, 15% restock fee and charge card merchant fees (if applied).

US Delivery Only: Radio equipment regulations apply to pager systems and are such that we can only deliver LRS products to US addresses.

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